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SEO Optimization

Since v4, we introduced and advanced SEO interface.

With this new interface you can manage Meta tags, all the Open Graph values and Twitter Cards. When a new user is invited, it is possible to choose if they can edit SEO attributes for pages.
For Enterprise plans, we also implemented the full meta data, with all the schema entities and all the possible form fields and repeaters of form fields, making React Bricks a great tool for SEO optimization.

Render Metadata and JsonLd data

  • renderMeta (page: Page) renders the Title, all the Meta tags, Open graph values and Twitter card values.
  • renderJsonLd (page: Page) renders the JsonLd script with all the meta data for the page.
  • getSchemaOrgData (page: Page) returns just the strigified data (without the JsonLd script tag): it is used for example in the Remix starters.