RichTextExt (Extensible RichText)
The RichTextExt
component is an extensible version of the RichText
Unlike the standard RichText
, it employs a plugin system. This allows you to replace any part of a default plugin—not just the render function, but also the button icon, label, shortcut key, etc.—and add new plugins.
Note: for most use cases, you should use the normal
, which is simpler to use.
Usage Example
In this example, we’re not creating custom plugins. Instead, we’re configuring the RichTextExt component to use predefined rich text plugins while overriding the shortcut key and render function of the “quote” plugin:
import { RichTextExt as RichText, plugins } from 'react-bricks/frontend'
const { bold, italic, unorderedList, link, quote } = plugins
return ( <RichText renderBlock={({ children }) => ( <p className="text-lg sm:text-xl text-center">{props.children}</p> )} placeholder="Type a text..." propName="text" plugins={[ bold, italic, unorderedList, link, { ...quote, renderElement: ({ children }) => ( <div className="border-l-4 pl-4 border-pink-500 text-pink-500 text-xl"> {children} </div> ), hotKey: 'mod+opt+q', }, ]} />)
Here’s the Typescript interface for the props of the RichTextExt
interface RichTextProps { propName?: string value?: types.TextValue renderBlock?: (props: { children: React.ReactElement }) => JSX.Element placeholder?: string renderPlaceholder?: (props: { children: React.ReactElement }) => JSX.Element multiline?: boolean softLineBreak?: boolean metaFieldName?: 'title' | 'description' | 'language' customFieldName?: string customFieldPlainText?: boolean plugins?: types.RichTextPlugin[]}
Properties Definition
For props shared with the RichText component, refer to the RichText documentation. Note that for RichTextExt, properties like allowedFeatures and all render functions (e.g., renderBold) are replaced by the plugins property.
Property | Definition |
plugins | An array of plugins extending the rich text functionality, each of type RichTextPlugin |
is defined as follows:
interface RichTextPlugin { type: 'Mark' | 'Block' | 'List' name: string isInline?: boolean itemName?: string label: string hotKey?: string renderElement?: (props: RenderElementProps) => JSX.Element renderItemElement?: (props: RenderElementProps) => JSX.Element renderLeaf?: (props: RenderLeafProps) => JSX.Element toggle: (editor: Editor, plugins: RichTextPlugin[]) => void button?: { icon: React.ReactElement isActive: (editor: Editor) => boolean } enhanceEditor?: (editor: Editor) => Editor}
React Bricks uses Slate as its underlying rich text editor.
The RenderElementProps
and RenderLeafProps
are types from Slate.
RichTextPlugin properties
Plugin | Definition |
type | A plugin can be of type “Mark” (a style like bold), “Block” (e.g., an heading) or “List” (for a list of items, like UL). |
name | Name of the plugin. |
isInline? | Indicates if the element is inline (e.g., for links). |
itemName? | Name of the items element in case of a list |
label | Displayed when hovering over the button |
hotKey? | Shortcut key to apply this marker or block type |
renderElement? | Render function for a block plugin. Key arguments: children (actual text content), attributes (to be spread on the top-level DOM element) and element (an object whose type is the plugin name). |
renderItemElement? | Render function for a single list item (e.g., a li element). |
renderLeaf? | Render function for a mark plugin (e.g., bold or italic). Arguments: children , attributes and leaf . Leaf is an object with truthy keys for applied markers (e.g. if (leaf.bold) {...} ). |
toggle | Function to toggle the marker or block on the editor. |
button | Customizes the default button for a plugin or configures the button for a new plugin, providing the icon (a ReactElement ) and a isActive function. |
enhanceEditor | Function to enhance the Slate editor. Returns an enhanced editor. Refer to Slate documentation. This is a very powerful option to customize the React Bricks RichText behavior. |
Plugins helpers
For common marker (bold, italic, highlight…) or block (heading, quote, etc.) plugins, React Bricks provides helpers that allow you to create new plugins very quickly:
There’s also a helper for creating complex plugins that require a popup configuration interface. This helper enables you to add custom fields of various types (such as text, select, and autocomplete) that content editors can modify. The plugin then uses these field values: