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The Text component allows the user to edit plain text.


For usage with Next /App Router, please read the React Server Components Guide.


Here's the Typescript interface for the props of the Text component:

interface TextProps {
propName?: string
renderBlock: React.FC
placeholder: string
renderPlaceholder?: React.FC
multiline?: boolean
softLineBreak?: boolean
metaFieldName?: 'title' | 'description' | 'language' // New in 3.3.0
customFieldName?: string // New in 3.3.0

Properties definition

propNameThe prop of the Brick component corresponding to this text. Mandatory unless you bind the value to a metaFieldName or customFieldName
renderBlockA React functional component used to render the text.
Typically it wraps the children.
placeholderThe placeholder to show when the text is empty.
renderPlaceholderA React functional component used to render the placeholder, if you need to change the default display.
multilineDefault: false. If set to true allows multiline text.
softLineBreakDefault: false. If set to true allows soft line breaks.
metaFieldNameBind the text value to a page Meta field (2-way data binding)
customFieldNameBind the text value to a page Custom field (2-way data binding)

Usage example

renderBlock={(props: any) => (
<p className="text-xl font-extrabold" {...props.attributes}>
placeholder="Enter the description..."