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Upgrade guide

This is the step-by-step upgrade guide from latest v1 (v 1.0.68) to v2.x

1. Page Type default content


The pageTypeSchema in ReactBricks configuration is renamed as pageTypes.

For each page type, now getDefaultContent should return an array of block names instead of the full content for a pageType.

For example

getDefaultContent: ()['hero-unit', 'text-image', 'call-to-action']

2. Component with static prop


A brick is no more an object, but a React functional component (returning the JSX that now is in the render prop of the schema), with the static property schema, containing the previous schema without the render property.

When you define this component in TypeScript, you can use the types.Brick type.

For example

const HeroUnit: types.Brick<HeroUnitProps>...

3. Schema


The name of the bricks configuration property in the React Bricks configuration changed from blockTypeSchema to bricks.

It is an array of Components as defined above.

<ReactBricks bricks={[HeroUnit, TextImage]} ...>

4. Remove deprecated properties from the schema


From the schema you may remove the properties:

  • render (replaced by the JSX returned by the component)
  • superType (deprecated)
  • textEditProps (deprecated)

5. Add appRootElement


In React Bricks configuration you need to pass the React app root element in the appRootElement property as either:

  • A string selector, for example #root
  • An HTML Element, for example document.getElementById('root')

This is for accessibility of modals in Admin, to be compliant to WAI-ARIA guidelines (hide closed modals from screen-readers, restrict keyboard navigation within an open modal)

6. CSS-in-JS flag


New useCssInJs boolean prop in React Bricks configuration object. Required only if you use CSS in JS (default is false).

To improve the performance where no CSS-in-JS is used, the actions needed to support CSS in JS are triggered only if this flag is set to true.

7. New Repeater component and schema


Each repeating block must be changed to the new format. Now it is possible to have multiple nested repeating blocks inside a block.

This is done using the Repeater component:


and the repeaterItems schema config:

repeaterItems: [
name: 'tags',
itemType: 'tag',
itemLabel: 'Tag',
min: 0,
max: 4,

IMPORTANT: to keep compatibility with existing content, the name for the unique repeating item allowed before v2 should be items

Repeater component:

The optional renderWrapper functional component is rendered if there is at least one repeated item. Argument: items The optional itemProps is an object with props passed to all the items (for example a global configuration that is the same for all items). The optional renderItemWrapper functional component wraps each item. It has arguments (item, index, itemsCount).

repeaterItems schema:

The min and max numbers are enforced by the sidebar interface.
itemsType, addItemText, removeItemText are deprecated and should be removed.


The special items prop in getDefaultProps is also removed: now each repeating set has its prop, as any other prop. This prop contains an array of objects representing the props passed to each repeating brick.

For example:

getDefaultProps: () => ({
tags: [
name: 'Foo'

8. value, source, onChange


On Text and RichText components, remove value and onChange.
On Image components, remove source and onChange.

9. Dynamic renderBlock


If you put wrappers around Text, RichText or Image to set styles for the renderBlock based on side edit props (because renderBlock was memoized and did not update upon side edit props change), now you can remove that "hack" and style the JSX returned by renderBlock based on side edit props.

You need to add the shouldRefreshText property on a Side edit prop which impacts the text rendering.

The drawback is a quick refresh of text upon these side edit props change, unsolvable until we change the text edit library (or write our own).

10. Image ALT


alt tag for images: you can now set the alt tag for images in the upload modal which allows to set alt tag and seoFriendly name. If you had side edit props to set the alt tag for images, they are not needed any more.

Once you have all the values copied in the new modal fields, you may remove the side edit props used for the ALT tags.

The alt tag prop on the <Image> component is used as fallback if the user doesn't specify an alt tag in the modal form. The alt prop may be specified also in the getDefaultProps().

11. Color props


For sideEditProps of type "select" (SideEditPropType.Select) with display "color" (OptionsDisplay.Color), now the options are an array of objects instead of an array of strings.

The strings represented the color (a CSS-compatible format to be applied with a style).

Now this string is put in the a required prop color of the option object (and it is used to show the colored square in the sidebar), but you can add any other property to this object (for example a class name for use with Tailwind or Bootstrap).

The old string value is still accepted but under deprecation.

12. Collapsible Groups in Side edit props


Now sideEditProps can be organized in groups, with a collapsible interface.

A side edit prop can be like before (⇒ they end up in a collapsible group with the name of the brick, open by default) or it can be an object with:

  • groupName (label for the collapsible group heading)
  • defaultOpen (not collapsed by default)
  • show (function of props, if true the group is shown)
  • props: array of side edit props objects as before that are shown/collapsed together

For example you can now create a Layout group with some props, a Text group with other props and so on.

13. Dark mode for bricks


Now React Bricks supports dark mode on page content, if your bricks support it.

In the React Bricks config you can pass the isDarkColorMode boolean value and the toggleColorMode function, which will be called by the Admin interface switch.

You can use them in conjunction with the contentClassName if you need to have a parent class applied to activate dark mode (for example, if you use the experimental dark mode feature of Tailwind, you can set the "dark" class on content to enable dark mode in the toggleColorMode function).

14. Author


Each page has an author corresponding to a React Bricks user.

By default the author of a page is the user who created the page, but it can be changed with a dropdown in the Page setting sidebar.


It is possible to upload an image on a page as the Featured image, so that it will be part of the page meta that you can use to populate open graph tags.