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Page Types

Page types are a way to group similar pages and apply specific configurations to them.

A Page Type can define:

  • A Template. See Page Templates
  • Allowed / excluded block types
  • Default status for new pages: locked or unlocked, draft or published
  • Default content, language and featured image
  • Featured image aspect ratio
  • Custom fields, if any
  • The getExternalData function to get data from external APIs
  • Categories to organize the pages
  • A Slug Prefix enforced by the editor
  • Headless View when you just need to edit custom fields with no visual editing

In React Bricks configuration, pageTypes is an array of pageType objects.

For starter projects, you’ll find a pageTypes.ts file in the /react-bricks directory.

Usage Example

const pageTypes: types.IPageType[] = [
name: 'post',
pluralName: 'posts',
defaultLocked: false,
defaultStatus: types.PageStatus.Draft,
getDefaultContent: () => ['title'],
allowedBlockTypes: ['title', 'paragraph', 'image', 'video', 'code'],


Each pageType object has the following shape:

interface IPageType {
name: string
pluralName: string
isEntity?: boolean
headlessView?: boolean
allowedBlockTypes?: string[]
excludedBlockTypes?: string[]
defaultLocked?: boolean
defaultStatus?: PageStatus
defaultFeaturedImage?: string
getDefaultContent?: () => (string | IBrickStory | IContentBlock)[]
customFields?: Array<ISideEditPropPage | ISideGroup>
getExternalData?: (page: Page) => Promise<Props>
getDefaultMeta?: (page: PageFromList, externalData: Props) => Partial<IMeta>
metaImageAspectRatio?: number
categories?: ICategory[]
slugPrefix?: {
default: string
translations?: {
[key: string]: string
template?: Array<TemplateSlot>

Properties definition

nameThe unique name for this page type (e.g., “product”).
pluralNameThe plural name used in the editing interface (e.g., “Products”).
isEntityBoolean (default false). If true, pages of this type will be organized under the “Entities” tab in the left sidebar. This provides a useful logical separation for editors to understand which pages are meant as reusable fragments or entities and are not true pages.
headlessViewBoolean (default false). If true, pages of this type will show a “form” interface to edit custom fields, with no visual editing of content.
allowedBlockTypesArray of block type names allowed for this page type. By default, all block types are allowed.
excludedBlockTypesArray of block type names not allowed for this page type. Useful when most block types are allowed. React Bricks will exclude blocks found in this list or not found in allowedBlockTypes if provided.
defaultLockedThe default lock status for new pages. Set to true for pages with a fixed structure.
defaultStatusThe default visibility status (draft or published) for new pages of this type.
defaultFeaturedImageThe default URL for the featured image of this pageType, used if no featured image is provided via the Document sidebar.
getDefaultContentFunction that returns the default content for a new page of this type. It can return strings (brick names), IBrickStory objects, or IContentBlock objects.
customFieldsArray of custom fields or groups of custom fields for this page type, editable via the sidebar’s “Document” tab. See Custom fields
getExternalDataFunction that takes a Page as argument and returns a promise resolving to an object with string keys. See External content
getDefaultMetaFunction that takes a Page and External Data as arguments and returns a object with type IMeta (or partial) with meta data, Open Graph data, X (Twitter) card data, data. Useful for populating meta from an external API, like a headless commerce system.
metaImageAspectRatioAspect ratio for cropping the featured image in the page meta.
categoriesArray of objects with interface ICategory to organize pages within this pageType. Editors can select a category from this list, and pages will be organized accordingly in the left sidebar menu.
slugPrefixPrefix to apply to the slug of each page in this pageType, with its default value and values for each locale.
templateA Page Template, defined as a set of Slots. See Page Template.

Usage Example with Template

const pageTypes: types.IPageType[] = [
name: 'product',
pluralName: 'products',
defaultStatus: types.PageStatus.Published,
template: [
slotName: 'heading',
label: 'Heading',
min: 1,
max: 1,
allowedBlockTypes: ['hero-unit'],
editable: true,
getDefaultContent: () => [
// Default content defined with a story
{ brickName: 'hero-unit', storyName: 'gradient-hero-unit' },
slotName: 'content',
label: 'Content',
min: 0,
max: 4,
allowedBlockTypes: [
editable: true,
getDefaultContent: () => ['text-image', 'customers'],
slotName: 'footer',
label: 'Footer',
min: 1,
max: 1,
allowedBlockTypes: ['call-to-action'],
editable: false,
// no default content => you'll get 1 block
// of type call-to-action because of min: 1

Render a list of pages with <List>

Using the <List> components, it’s possible to easily render a list of pages of a certain pageType without calling the fetchPages function (or using the usePages hook).


Here’s the List component interface:

interface ListProps {
of: string
where?: {
tag?: string
language?: string
filterBy?: {
[key: string]: any
sort?: string
page?: number
pageSize?: number
children: ({
}: types.PagesFromListWithPagination) => React__default.ReactElement

Properties definition

ofThe page type of the pages to fetch.
whereFilter by tag, language or custom fields
sortSort (minus sign before the field name to sort descending)
pageThe page number (for pagination)
pageSizeThe page size (for pagination)
childrenThe children should be a function with an object as argument, from which you can get items and pagination to render each item of the list.

Usage example

language: 'fr',
tag: 'cms',
filterBy: { myCustomField: 'foo' },
{({ items, pagination }) => {
return (
{ => {
return (
title={post.meta.title || ''}
content={post.meta.description || ''}
date={post.publishedAt || ''}